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musicians 50 from 977

nickname fr. name ls. name group tunes activity city country >
Brian Marshall Brian Marshall 1 1988 - - - 17620
Dave Rogers Dave Rogers 10 1988-1989 - - - 27759
David Box David Box 1 1989 - - - 16964
David Perry David Perry 1 1987 - - - 18383
David Sanders David Sanders 2 1990 - - - 16691
Gluck Enigma Variations 1 1990 - - - 17291
Guy Stevens Guy Stevens 1 1987 - - - 17707
G Brandt G Brandt 2 1989 - - - 17391
Gerry Anderson Gerry Anderson 1 1989 - - - 17546
Jan Sheridan Jan Sheridan 2 1989 - - - 17063
Jay Derrett Jay Derrett 1 1987-1988 - - - 17825
Jon-Paul Eldridge Jon-Paul Eldridge 2 1987 - - - 17845
Jose A. Martin Jose Martin 1 1989 - + - 18715
Julian Breeze Julian Breeze 2 1985-1987 - - - 18272
Jerry Astley Jerry Astley 1 1986 - - - 17194
J Preston J Preston 1 1989 - - - 17139
Jerry Danison Jerry Danison 1 1988 - - - 16376
J V Aranda J. V. Aranda 1 1989 - - - 18698
Lete 1 1990 - - - 16402
Lords of sound 1 1990-1991 - - - 16392
Manuel Cubedo Manuel Cubedo 1 1987 - - - 17105
Mark Jones Mark Jones 1 1987 - - - 17635
Michael Batty Michael Batty 3 1990 - - - 17847
Mark Alexander Mark Alexander 3 1985-1987 - - - 18086
Nick Jones Nick Jones 11 1985-1988 - - - 18625
Nigel Pritchard Nigel Pritchard Nigel 1 1989 - - - 17399
Nigel Speight Nigel Speight 2 1991 - - - 16885
Paul Hiley Paul Hiley Imagitec 5 1990-1992 - - - 16947
Pennsoft 3 1986-1988 - - - 17775
Peter Williamson Peter Williamson 1 1988 - - - 16497
Pedro Fortes Pedro Fortes 1 1989 - - - 17095
Richard Chaney Richard Chaney 1 1987 - - - 16685
Roman Hergueda Roman Hergueda 1 1987 - - - 16765
S. Hdra S. Hdra 1 1987 - - - 16688
Sean Conran Sean Conran 7 1988-1990 - - - 17221
Sonic Graffiti 6 1989-1990 - - - 19911
Sound Images 8 1989-1992 - - - 18328
Special Erase 3 1988 - - - 17116
Steve Wetherill Steve Wetherill 2 1986 - - - 16838
Sonic Projects 1 1992 - - - 16370
Tarann Ltd 1 1988 - - - 16423
Tommy Gardh Tommy Gardh 1 1986 - - - 16814
TPM 3 1988 - - - 17019
The Lads 0 1990 - - - 16042
Vojislav Mihailovic Vojislav Mihailovic 1 1989 - - - 16868
W Kapp 1 1994 - - - 16411
Oxomusic Sinclair Club Ostrov 2 1994 - - - 16711
Sauron Adrian Sumera 9 1994 - - - 18485
Bey Elder 1 - - - 16735
Thorgal 3 - - - 17161

musicians 50 from 977

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