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Tim Follin (Timothy John Follin) - треки

Tim Follin

другие ники: Tim Follin

имя: Timothy John Follin

расположение: St Helens, Merseyside, England
специализация: music

активность: 1985-1991

сайт: timfollin.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk

архив музыки: Tim Follin.zip (77Kb)
скачиваний 2393
треков 21

статей 2

сообщений 0

27 сентября 2008
ZXTunes Player v1.1

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ПЛЕЙЛИСТ     сортировать по   году    рейтингу    прослушиваниям треков 21

Gauntlet 3 - The Final Quest_2.ay - Gauntlet 3 - The Final Quest 0:53 1110
Gauntlet 3 - The Final Quest_3.ay - Gauntlet 3 - The Final Quest 0:51 957
Gauntlet 3 - The Final Quest_4.ay - Gauntlet 3 - The Final Quest 1:13 1033
Gauntlet 3 - The Final Quest_5.ay - Gauntlet 3 - The Final Quest 0:08 1007
Gauntlet 3 - The Final Quest_6.ay - Gauntlet 3 - The Final Quest 0:08 1070
Gauntlet 3 - The Final Quest.ay - Gauntlet 3 - The Final Quest 2:19 3403
Sly Spy - Secret Agent.ay - Sly Spy: Secret Agent (128k Title) 1:06 1982
Ghouls 'n Ghosts_2.ay - Start 0:04 1149
Ghouls 'n Ghosts_3.ay - Level Complete 0:03 1082
Ghouls 'n Ghosts_4.ay - Game Over 0:08 1091
Ghouls 'n Ghosts_5.ay - Continue 0:11 1094
Ghouls 'n Ghosts_6.ay - Hi-Score 1:43 1225
Ghouls 'n Ghosts.ay - Title 2:28 2433
Missile - Ground Zero.ay - Title 1:10 1693
Peter Pack Rat_2.ay - Peter Pack Rat 0:07 956
Peter Pack Rat_3.ay - Peter Pack Rat 0:06 953
Peter Pack Rat.ay - Peter Pack Rat 1:19 1925
Solar Invasion_2.ay - Solar Invasion - SFX (AY) 0:07 974
Solar Invasion.ay - Solar Invasion - Title (AY) 1:17 1784
Bionic Commando_2.ay - Bionic Commando - Stage 2 The Forefront (AY) 1:13 1072
Bionic Commando_3.ay - Bionic Commando - Stage 3 Infiltration (AY) 1:10 1027
Bionic Commando_4.ay - Bionic Commando - Stage 4 Control Room/Stage 5 Stop the Missile (AY) 0:58 1044
Bionic Commando_5.ay - Bionic Commando - Stage Clear (AY) 0:08 1065
Bionic Commando_6.ay - Bionic Commando - Game Over (AY) 0:04 1069
Bionic Commando_7.ay - Bionic Commando - High Score (AY) 0:34 1101
Bionic Commando.ay - Bionic Commando - Stage 1 The Forest (AY) 1:35 2266
Black Lamp_2.ay - Black Lamp - Game Over (AY) 0:09 1117
Black Lamp.ay - Black Lamp - In-Game (AY) 1:33 1874
Bubble Bobble_2.ay - In-Game (Hurry!) 0:31 1002
Bubble Bobble_3.ay - Bonus 0:06 947
Bubble Bobble_4.ay - End Of Game Guardian 0:16 964
Bubble Bobble_5.ay - Game Over 0:11 974
Bubble Bobble_6.ay - SFX 0:06 967
Bubble Bobble_7.ay - SFX 0:07 995
Bubble Bobble.ay - Intro / In-Game 0:52 4799
Led Storm_2.ay - LED Storm - Storm Navigating Computer (AY) 0:33 1043
Led Storm_3.ay - LED Storm - Ranking (AY) 2:07 1104
Led Storm.ay - LED Storm - Title (AY) 2:50 3298
Raw Recruit_2.ay - 48K Title 4:37 1160
Raw Recruit.ay - Title (48K & 128K Mixed) 4:37 1881
Star Paws_2.ay - Star Paws - Bonus Round 1 (AY) 0:10 882
Star Paws_3.ay - Star Paws - Bonus Round 2 (AY) 0:11 902
Star Paws.ay - Star Paws - Title/In-Game (AY) 1:48 2701
Agent X 2 The Mad Prof's Back!_2.ay - Agent X 2 the Mad Prof's Back! - Title (Beeper) 4:56 1067
Agent X 2 The Mad Prof's Back!_3.ay - Agent X 2 the Mad Prof's Back! - Level 1 (AY) 0:58 1078
Agent X 2 The Mad Prof's Back!_4.ay - Agent X 2 the Mad Prof's Back! - Level 3 (AY) 3:42 1116
Agent X 2 The Mad Prof's Back!.ay - Agent X 2 the Mad Prof's Back! - Title (AY & Beeper) 4:55 4981
Chronos_2.ay - Chronos - Title (Beeper) 3:05 1709
Chronos.ay - Chronos - Title (AY & Beeper) 3:05 2481
Your Sinclair Star Tip 2.ay - Your Sinclair Star Tip 2 - 3 Channel Demo (Beeper) 0:38 2300
Agent X.ay - Agent X in the Brain Drain Caper - Title (Beeper) 2:58 2365
Future Games_2.ay - Future Games - Start Event (Beeper) 0:04 1219
Future Games_3.ay - Future Games - End Event (Beeper) 0:04 1183
Future Games_4.ay - Future Games - Game Over (Beeper) 0:04 1183
Future Games.ay - Future Games - Title (Beeper) 2:38 2490
The Sentinel_2.ay - The Sentinel - Hyperspace (Beeper) 0:04 1134
The Sentinel_3.ay - The Sentinel - U-Turn (Beeper) 0:03 1101
The Sentinel_4.ay - The Sentinel - Secret Entry Code (Beeper) 0:05 1088
The Sentinel_5.ay - The Sentinel - Game Over (Beeper) 0:06 1125
The Sentinel.ay - The Sentinel - Transfer (Beeper) 0:04 1711
Star Firebirds.ay - Star Firebirds - Hall Of Fame (Beeper) 0:57 1973
Subterranean Stryker.ay - Subterranean Stryker - Title (Beeper) 0:26 2111
Vectron.ay - Vectron - Title (Beeper) 1:26 2277

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